Integrated Brand Marketing Plan - Ikhaya Lwempilo (Wellness House)
Ikhaya Lwempilo’s Integrated Marketing Plan Our Vision and Mission Our Vision at Ikhaya Lwempilo is to share God’s hope by establishing programs that offer practical help and the development of necessary skills for an independent and productive life, to children and youth living in severe poverty in our community. Our mission is to minister to all human needs, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Following Christ’s example, our focus is to care for children and youth and empower them by exposing them to the transforming power of the word of God. Our Target Audience Our target audience is the children and young adults and the communities that they come from. Their needs vary from needing support, a family structure’s environment, food, and overall well-being needs that will help them change their lives. SWOT Analysis The strengths of our NGO are that we do not only focus on feeding the body we also feed the mind to love mission work and we inspi...